Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! As always our Halloween buckets are already overflowing with candy and it isn't even Halloween yet! We are having lots of fun! I also included William's new hair cut! Luckily his wild, but beautiful hair covers up the small hole on top!!
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Fall! William, Hayes and I had a great time at the Pumpkin Patch! We went with William's school! They got to go on a hayride, pick pumpkins, pet animals.... It was a perfect day to pick Pumpkins!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

William is playing soccer this year for the 1st time! They finally got to play this week after being rained out for 2 weeks! He loved it! He smiled the entire time he was on the field - even when running after the ball! The pic below was in the middle of the game -he stopped to pose! Anyway they had a great time. I am not sure they knew what they were doing at the 1st game, but by the 2nd one, I think they started to get the hang of it! Lots of fun!

cheering for "bubbie"

William's school visited the fire station and he got to put on the fireman's coat!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wow! Where did the year go! Our sweet Baby Hayes is turning in to such a big boy! I can't believe it! He had so much fun at his birthday party! Hayes we love you so much!! Happy Birthday Big Man!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We had a great summer! We were busy with all of our family weddings! We had the best time at all of them! We were glad for school to start! William is at FPK in the 4 year old class and he loves it. Hayes just started Mother's Morning Out on Fridays and he really likes to go to "school" too! William had cowboy day the 1st week of school! We went to Pierce's Aunt's Lake house over Labor Day and had a great time! Very relaxing and I had LOTS of help with the boys between Mary Hayes and Kim! We had a visit form the tooth fairy while we were at the lake!! Very exciting!! And as you can see in the bottom picture we got 2 new cats from some friends of ours and the boys LOVE them! The cats run when they see the boys coming!! Hope everyone is good!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I hope everyone is enjoying there HOT summer! We have already had lots of fun! William has been to bible school and his cousin Sara came to visit for a week! They had lots of fun together! William has also been taking swimming lessons and after 3 weeks he has finally gotten the hang of swimming and he loves it. He had a swim Birthday party! Hayes thinks that he is 4 years old just like his bubbie! ( if not bigger!) He is full of himself! We just got back from the beach and had a great trip! The weather was great and the boys had so much fun too! It turned out to be a very relaxing trip! You never know how it is going to turn out with a 4 year old and a 1 1/2 year old, but they had a great time too!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy Summer!
We are so glad summer is here! We have already been enjoying the slow pace of summer! We have been to the carnival. William rode every ride!! He had no fear! A little scary! We also enjoyed watching his end of the year program and most of all we LOVE buddy ball! This is his 1st year to play and they are so cute out there! William really has enjoyed it! As for sweet little Hayes - he just tags along with us! He really thinks he is as big if not bigger than his brother!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! We were very busy with LOTS of fun egg hunts! We have enough candy to last a life time! Here are some pics of all the Easter events. My sisters family was here for Easter this year! We managed to get one group pic of all the grandchildren - however - Hayes was not going to have anything to do with it! All of the cousins have had so much fun together!
William, Max, Sara, and Oliver
Our family pic! Only one out of several was half way cute!!!

William was a little disappointed that this egg only had money and no candy!!

It was a little too cold Easter morning for Hayes!

Getting ready for there egg hunt!

Silly boys! This is how most of the pictures turned out!

William and his friend John Heston at their School egg hunt!

Hayes LOVES his boots!!